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Amphion Amp700 Stereo

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German (Deutsch)
"Der für das Produkt verantwortliche Wirtschaftsakteur ist auf dem Produkt, der Verpackung oder in den Begleitdokumenten gemäß Artikel 17 und 18 der Verordnung (EU) 2023/988 angegeben."


"The responsible economic operator for the product is indicated on the product, its packaging, or accompanying documentation in accordance with Articles 17 and 18 of Regulation (EU) 2023/988."

Manufacturer Details:
Amphion Loudspeakers Oy Telkkistentie 2, 70460, Kuopio
VAT: FI1472980-4 Tel: +358 17 2882 100

EU representative :
Amphion Loudspeakers Oy Telkkistentie 2, 70460, Kuopio
VAT: FI1472980-4 Tel: +358 17 2882 100

Amphion’s philosophy is to develop innovative products with high-performance and longevity. Amp700 delivers rock-solid control and tight, fast, high-resolving power to get maximum performance from your monitors. Amp700 provides 2 x 350 W for 8 ohm, and 2 x 700 W for 4 ohm load, which gives plenty of headroom for the highest level of performance.

To reach the needed performance level, we developed a buffer-stage, which improved the sonics further by adding a subtle touch of class A sound to D class topology. Amp700 is a perfect partner to all Amphion models and other passive monitors.

1 Year