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McDSP 6050 Ultimate Channel Strip Native

Was: €179.00
Now: €144.00
(Inc. Tax)
Was: €150.42
Now: €121.01
(Ex. Tax)
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German (Deutsch)
"Der für das Produkt verantwortliche Wirtschaftsakteur ist auf dem Produkt, der Verpackung oder in den Begleitdokumenten gemäß Artikel 17 und 18 der Verordnung (EU) 2023/988 angegeben."


"The responsible economic operator for the product is indicated on the product, its packaging, or accompanying documentation in accordance with Articles 17 and 18 of Regulation (EU) 2023/988."

The 6050 Ultimate Channel Strip has everything you need to make your mix sound great. All the modules from the award winning 6020 Ultimate EQ and 6030 Ultimate Compressor plug-ins are included.



  • Over 25 EQ, compressor, gate, expander, saturator, and filter modules
  • Easy drag and drop, on the fly module auditioning
  • Side chain support
  • Input and output control
  • Analog Saturation Modeling
  • Double precision processing
  • Ultra low latency
  • Mono and stereo versions

Tech Specs



OS X 10.13.x (High Sierra), 10.14.x (Mojave), 10.15.x (Catalina), 11.x (Big Sur), 12.x (Monterey), 13.x (Ventura), 14.x (Sonoma)(10.12.x (Sierra) may work, but is not officially supported. )

Plugins: VST-3, AU, AAX



Windows 10

Plugins: VST-3, AAX