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Universal Audio LA2A

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Manufacturer Details :

Universal Audio, Inc.

4585 Scotts Valley Drive

Scotts Valley, CA 95066


+1 831-440-1176

EU Representative

Universal Audio c/o Falcon

Hoeksteen 26 F

2132 MS Hoofddorp


+31 23 567 5444

For over 50 years the Teletronix LA-2A has been revered for its smooth, natural, musical compression. WIth its unique tube-driven electro-optical attenuator system that allows instantaneous gain reduction with no increase in harmonic distortion, the LA-2A massages signals like no other compressor ever made.


Dial-in legendary optical tube compression textures for vocals, bass, drums, and more

Record your tracks through vintage UA, "handmade in the USA," circuits

Easily add iconic warmth and tube limiting with simple, easy-to-use controls

Track and mix with a piece of audio recording history

The Teletronix Story

Teletronix founder Jim Lawrence first used photocells for controlling audio gain in the early 1960s. His ingenious optical compression design was a technological breakthrough, far surpassing the stability and transparency of earlier circuits. Universal Audio founder M.T. ”Bill” Putnam later purchased this patented technology, continuing to manufacture the LA-2A for years to come.


The Real Deal

Universal Audio’s Teletronix LA-2A Classic Leveling Amplifier reissue provides the performance characteristics of the iconic original. With painstaking care, every new LA-2A unit is point-to-point handwired at Universal Audio's Custom Shop in Santa Cruz, California, with every component carefully evaluated for authenticity. As a result, today’s LA-2A will bring the same legendary compression characteristics of the original to all of your recordings. Demand the original. Accept no copy.


1 Review

  • 5
    Comparison with VST

    Posted by Philipp on 16th Aug 2022

    I am fortunate to have two la2a from UA and the respective VST from UA. The Vst sounds less „bigger than live“. In other words: The hardware sounds as if the sound is coming from a huge room. Somehow like the more expensive mics. The hardware is a bit more brilliant in sound. It works great on drums; definitely up to shadow hills, maybe a bit more punchier. Chandler rs124 is softer by far. It really depends on the sound you seek. Im not a pro but the effect it has on drums impressed me more than any other outboard I used so far. Dont use it on distorted guitars.