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Waves DeBreath

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Vocalists and narrators insist on breathing—even when it spoils a perfectly great take! Editing each individual breathing/inhale sound with fades or filters is extremely time-consuming.

DeBreath saves you time by separating breaths from vocals or spoken words, so you can control exactly how much breathing you want on your vocal track, and how you want it processed. Match the inhales to DeBreaths’s breath profiles—then optimize the automatic settings to remove inhales completely, or leave in as much as you want.



  • Unique breath removal for vocal recordings, voiceover, podcasts
  • Optimize settings easily, with dual displays for breath and voice paths
  • Choose inhale reduction amount with the reduction slider
  • Easily monitor voice-only or breath-only
  • Individual breath and energy thresholds for identifying inhales
  • Fill in silence from removed breaths, by enabling Room Tone
  • Crossfade breath and voice path fadein/fadeout, from 0.1 to 200 ms

Tech Specs



OS X macOS Catalina 10.15, Big Sur 11, Monterey 12, Ventura 13, Sonoma 14

Memory: 8 GB

Disk: 16 GB

Plugins: VST-2, VST-3, AU, AAX



Windows Windows 10 64 bit Windows 11

Memory: 8 GB

Disk: 16 GB

Plugins: VST-2, VST-3, AAX

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